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Bogdan Zdrojewski #2Bogdan Zdrojewski #1Bogdan Zdrojewski #4


This section is ... for too many politicians it is just another ‘mandatory field’, because they think they should be interested in something. For me, however, it means much more. I’ve been a lover of photography for as long as I can remember, and it is an activity that provides me with some of my greatest pleasures.


My first camera was a Certo, then a Start, Zorki, finally a Leica, then a Pentecon six TL (6x6) –which I still have, then a number of Nikons (800, F-100), etc., to a digital Fuji (I’m still not in love with it though). And, of course, keeping up-to-date with industry press, which in the 1970s came from Hungary, Czechoslovakia (the wonderful Prague school), and also the USA and USSR (a “forgotten classic” today). The late 1970s saw my first successes: the first amateur photos published in local press, positive reviews at ... International Dog Shows in Poland and neighbouring socialist bloc countries (my first income, not bad money) and ...trips to East Germany with materials, chemicals, filters (who remembers that now?). But also the first, modest exhibitions - Kłodzko, then ... a break. An unsuccessful attempt to enter the Łódź film school, an episode at the Photography Vocational School, and a very fruitful period of experimentation and work as instructor of photography for a small club in Wrocław.


Presentation of photos during the International Dog Show




Organizer and participant in the exhibition "An experiment in colour" at the "Metalowiec" Cooperative Photography Club


"Sarajevo in the 1000th Day of Siege" - coverage, Prague, under the patronage of the Polish Embassy



"Flood in Camera of Bogdan Zdrojewski" Wrocław - Office of Art Exhibition
"The Most Beautiful Japanese Gardens" under the patronage of the Japanese Embassy,  part of  "Japan in the Past and Today"  

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