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Bogdan Zdrojewski #2Bogdan Zdrojewski #4Bogdan Zdrojewski #1
  2014 VII 1 Member of European Parliament
  2007-2014 Minister of Culture and National Heritage
  2007 X 21 Member of the Polish Parliament during its 6th term
  2006 XII 5 Chairman of the PO Parliamentary Fraction
  2006 VI 30 Publishing of the album "Bogdan Zdrojewski recommends Wrocław"
  2005-2007 Professional Member of Parliament; Chairman of the PO Parliamentary Fraction
  2005 XI 10 Chairman of the Parliamentary Commission on National Defence
  2005 IX 25 Selected as Member of Parliament for its 5th term
  2003-2005 Managing Director at Thyssen Polska
  2001-2005 Member of Parliament during its 4th term
  2001-2003 Professional Member of Parliament during its 4th term
  1998-2001 Wrocław City Councillor during the Council’s 3rd term
  1997-2000 Senator during the Senate’s 4th term
  1994-1998 Wrocław City Councillor during the Council’s 2nd term
  1994-1997 Member of the Supervisory Board of Kredyt Bank S.A.
  1990-2001 Mayor of Wrocław (4 VI 1990 - 31 VIII 2001)
  1990-1994 Wrocław City Councillor during the Council’s 1st term
  1989-1990 PhD studies at Wrocław University
  1989-1990 Employee of the Institute of Sociology, Wrocław University
  1986-1988 "Metalowiec" Housing Co-operative: instructor of photography, instructor for social affairs
  1985 Military service: artillery (Kędzierzyn Koźle, Opole)
  1983 VIII 1 Birth of daughter, Karolina Maria
  1982-1985 Wrocław University – MA in Cultural Studies
  1982-1984 Chairman of the Independent Students’ Union
  1982 X 10 Marriage to Barbara Mietelska
  1979-1983 Wrocław University - MA in Philosophy
  1978-1979 Undertakes photography studies
  1977-1979 Employed by ‘Wojewódzkie Przedsiębiorstwo Przemysłu Zbożowo-Młynarskiego PZZ’in Wrocław (specialist in Main Mechanics Department)
  1976-1979 Photographic services–including at international dog shows
  1976-1977 Polish State Railways–Wrocław Brochów locomotive house (jr. machinist)
  1976-1977 Adjunct at State Railways
  1975-1976 Vocational School no. 4 in Wrocław –machining technician
  1975 Moves with parents to Wrocław
  1972-1975 Vocational School in Kłodzko
  1964-1972 A. Mickiewicz Primary School no. 1 in Kłodzko
Pre-school (unfortunately, not his favourite)
  1957 V 18 Born in Kłodzko (name day: 17 VII)

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