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Bogdan Zdrojewski #4Bogdan Zdrojewski #1Bogdan Zdrojewski #2


Most Important Awards
2015 r. Gloria Artis Gold - Medal for Merit to Culture
2014 r. Grand Cross of the First Class of the Kingdom of the Netherlands – for civil merit
2014 r. Officer’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta–awarded by President Bronisław Komorowski
2014 r. Order of the Cross of the First Class of Terra Maarjamaa – awarded by the President of the Republic of Estonia, Toomas Hendrik IIves
2013 r. The Irena Sendlerowa Award – for "outstanding leadership in building the Museum of the History of Polish Jews"
2013 r. Honorary Citizen of the City of Wrocław
2013 r. Cross of Recognition of the Second Class of the Latvian Republic–for extraordinary, lasting efforts to enrich deep and dynamic cooperation in the area of culture
2012 r. Order of Saint-Charles of the Second Class, Commander–awarded by Prince Albert of Monaco
2012 r. Commander, Legion d’honneur – awarded by the President of France, François Holland
2012 r. Maltese Cross–awarded by the Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Matthew Festing
2012 r. Order of Merit of the Free State of Saxony–for contributions to the growth of Polish-German relations in the area of culture, enhancing cooperation, preserving cultural heritage and its promotion outside the borders of the Free State
2012 r. Royal Norwegian Order of Merit – Commander with Cross–awarded by His Majesty King of Norway Harald V
2008 r.
Grand Cross of the Order of Merit –awarded by the President of Portugal
2002 r.
Gold Cross of Merit–awarded by the President of the Republic of Poland, Aleksander Kwaśniewski
2001 r.
Cross First Class of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany (Das Verdienstkreuz 1 Klasse) –awarded by the President of Germany
1998 r.
Order Sancti Silvestri –awarded by Pope John Paul II (by a decision of 9 January 1998)
1997 r.
First recipient of the Andrzej Bączkowski Award – for "outstanding performance as a civil servant in daily work and in times of crisis""Gran de Gra-Cruz da Ordem do Merito" Cross of Merit awarded by the President of Portugal.


Other Awards
2014 r. Honorary Citizen of the Wrocław neighbourhood of Kuźniki
2013 r. Gold Badge of the Polish Tourism Organization – for commitment to daily work which directly impacts the creation of a modern and attractive image of Poland
2013 r. Crystal Laurel of Skill and Competence–awarded by the Katowice Regional Chamber of Commerce
2011 r. Griffin of Lower Silesia–Business Award–Special Award for personalities of Lower Silesia
2011 r. Władysław Grabski Award – for an individual in public life who has made an important contribution to the growth of entrepreneurship (Lewiatan Award)
2011 r. Award of the Shalom Guardians of Memory Foundation. To those who saved it – given for distinction in the service of promotion of Jewish culture and preserving the memory of its accomplishments
2009 r. Ambassador of Wrocław
2009 r. Gentleman of the Year in the category of politics
2005 r. Wrocław Personality of Our Times
2000 r. Medaglia D’Oro – awarded by an international association of publishers of tourism industry literature for professionalism in promoting Wrocław
2000 r. Nike Award – "in recognition of merit" by decision of the presidium of ZIW RP
1998 r. Leader of Europe – for entrepreneurial and courageous political leaders, given by the Board of the Club of Europe, by decision of 12 September 1998
1998 r. "Distinguished by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland, Jerzy Buzek - "for work in developing the Local Republic"
1997 r. October Award – for attitude during the reconstruction of the Wrocław Market Square and for creation of Wrocław’s image beyond the city’s borders
1997 r. Oscar for activity and engagement during the flood
1996 r. "A friend to children"
1994 r. Gold Medal for Civil Defence of the Republic of Poland - "for outstanding performance of duty"

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