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Bogdan Zdrojewski pierwszym wiceprzewodniczacym Komijsi Kultury i Edukacji PE

23 lipca 2024 r. europoseł Bogdan Zdrojewski został wybrany na funkcję pierwszego wiceprzewodniczącego Komisji Kultury i Edukacji Parlamentu Europejskiego (CULT). Członkowie Komisji CULT jednogłośnie poprali tę kandydaturę. Bogdan Zdrojewski w tej kadencji Parlamentu Europejskiego będzie pracował również w Komisji Handlu Międzynarodowego (INTA).

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Belarus: Still Insufficient Progress

After an initial assessment of parliamentary election in Belarus by international observers and human rights organizations, the Chairman of the EP delegation for relations with Belarus, Bogdan Zdrojewski, stressed that Belarus is still far from reaching the European standards.

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The EU cannot lose the space battle

“We should not be afraid to make use of the EU satellite programmes, also in a widely-understood security domain such as border control, observation of migration flows, maritime and aerial traffic control and many, many more”, explained Bogdan Zdrojewski MEP, Rapporteur on the initiative Report ‘Space capabilities for European security and defence’.

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Normalization of relations is in the common interest of Belarus and the EU

In the debate on the situation in Belarus organised on the initiative of the EPP Group and the Chairman of the EP Delegation for Relations with Belarus, Bogdan Zdrojewski, the European Parliament today adopted a resolution in which it assesses the political and economic situation in Belarus on the eve of presidential elections scheduled for 11 October 2015, and calls for the immediate rehabilitation of released political prisoners and the restoration of all their civil rights.

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The release of six political prisoners in Belarus

I welcome with satisfaction the decision of President Lukashenko to release six political prisoners in Belarus - Mykalai Statkevich, Mykalai Dziadok, Ihar Alinevich, Jury Rubtsov, Euheny Vaskovich and Artyom Prakapenka. The European Union and the European Parliament through the Delegation for relations with Belarus have long insisted on the release and rehabilitation of all political prisoners in Belarus.

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Maintaining our channels of communication open, resuming dialogue, working for coming closer to each other

Minsk 19 June 2015. I have led the 8 MEPs strong European Parliament standing delegation on its first visit to Minsk since 2002. The structured and intensive programme has allowed us to have several exchanges of views and to receive information on the functioning of the Institutions in Belarus and to discuss the perspectives offered by the Eastern Partnership, in the aftermath of the Riga Summit, with a particular view to possible new benefits for the people of Belarus.

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Chair of the EP delegation for relations with Belarus concerned about the freedom of speech in the country

Following the verdict issued on January 9 on the administrative case against the private publishing Unitary Enterprise "Lohvinau", Bogdan Zdrojewski (EPP, PL), Chairman of the EP Delegation for relations with Belarus, expressed his concern about the situation in Belarus in regards of the freedom of speech.

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